Tuesday, July 10, 2012


We must control our life transitions especially when it comes to the work we do. If you don't like what your doing balance it out with a positive activity. You never know one of those things that you like to do may become an avenue by which you can be your own boss.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The ladder up

An engineer is presented with two choices if it is their desire to move up the corporate ladder. Technical track or management track. Definitely expect politics in whatever road you choose, however in some climates the management track will be driven by corporate politics to a point that you end up going back to your technical roots.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It's a good idea from time to time to stop and observe the flow around you. Pick up on the details that you would have normally missed. Pick up on the details that others have missed. Don't be ashamed to go back and adjust for the misses. In the long run your system will be more robust than others and your customers will thank and reward you.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Innovation is the key to success. Whether it be in your individual career or the goal of a major company. If you don't continue to reinvent yourself how will you ever sift through the waste and find that golden opportunity that will help you to (temporarily) satisfy your dreams!
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Interesting Day

It makes for an interesting day when you have to problem solve your problem solving equipment. Times like these highlight the various degrees of tolerance in your team. As a leader it's important to put the positive spin while at the same time embrace the frustration - accept it, digest it, and move forward.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Easier said than done

What about the plan? When the world seems like it is crumbling around you and you discover there is no system in place then it is time to gather yourself. Make a plan - you gotta start somewhere. Don't just dive into the haystack looking for that needle without a plan.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Working far away

Changing times have encouraged the typical worker bee to consider working far from home.  In this case I define far as at least 250 miles away from home.  Many drive and some may fly to their jobs in order to maintain their quality of life.  In many cases work life balance boundaries must be redefined and it is often an interesting negotiation with one's employer regarding flex time definitions.  All in all it comes down to what is best for you and the opportunity considering development goals and business objectives. It is important to remember that family is everything - right up their with your health and well being.  Jobs may come and go but family is with you forever.