Thursday, October 29, 2009


Develop a plan to success.  Determine what you like to do and what you have a passion for and run with it with 110% percent effort.  In this day and age nothing is certain.  Why not control your destiny and push yourself to succeed in one aspect of life.  Often continued success branches off from that one thing that you were able to make relevant to the masses.  Be productive, take time for family, but remember your progress will impact all those around you and that should be the drive that keeps you on track.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Get products to the customer faster.  Well… the first question you should ask is why do you think your organization is slow?  Ask yourself the following question – Are we slow in getting the products out or is the competition more innovative and in-tune with the marketplace.  Several organizations assume that some segment of their business is to blame.  Internal finger-pointing is pointless and hinders progress.   When your team gets consumed with the internal blame game then that is exactly when the competitors who were once left in the dust are suddenly in the blink of an eye, way ahead of you.   Many organizations succumb to theories such as “this process is too long” or “there are too many quality checks”.  Validating that your product meets the market needs and internal price points is really the bottom line – this is to be balanced with the types of tests used to ensure that a quality product ships out every time.  The failure of companies to avoid past mistakes is sometimes the common mistake.  Many organizations miss the lessons learned  that was inherently provided by experienced employees.  Industry has experienced many downsizing cycles and concurrently lost the inherent and seemingly miraculous knack for not re-inventing the wheel.