Sunday, September 13, 2009

Marketing Your Operations Excellence Talent

Many company's these days are cutting back on many expenses.  Talented people are out of work and most do not have the means to start venturing down the road of individual consulting.  Others choose not to do it because perhaps they are not good communicators.  I have decided to take a parallel path approach - much like the strategy adopted by many project managers who have an important deadline to meet with an ongoing issue that could spell trouble for the outcome of the project.

How am I marketing myself?  The first step I've taken is to join networking groups and I've put myself in situations where I can start communicating with people.  I've joined a popular fitness club, strike up casual conversation with other parents at my two sons' sports events, and I've purchased a mini laptop so that I can get work on my website done away from home at the local coffee shop.  Internet social networking sites such as facebook, linked-in, and twitter are also great ways to get the word out - every time I update my status I provide a link to my websites.

Currently my new endeavor is to start giving presentations to people at my networking group meetings as often as I can.  The next step after that is to participate in internet advertising for the budding entrepreneur such as Google Adwords and Facebooks Ads component.

Welll that's just a taste of what I'm up to.  I'm off to my son's football game now.

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