Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why are businesses shying away from six sigma?

In today's economy and the desire to turn things around quickly, corporations are cutting staff to make an immediate impact on the bottom line.  The crop of new six sigma projects has become stagnant - perhaps major cost savings have been realized in the manufacturing process.  Applying DFSS to your product development management cycle has stifled the bowl of fresh new "leap frog" type ideas.  Voice of the customer efforts along with QFD (quality function deployment) hav only provided a window to what the customer wants today or what has been desired in the past.  There is no true insight to blue ocean type innovations.  The stagma of six sigma implementation also lingers.  Let's face it - bad news stays in our mind longer than good news.  The negative labels towards six sigma may stem from the following:

  • Poor execution
  • Too arduous an endeavor
  • Boring
  • Requires too much data
  • Belief that one size does not fit all
  • Resistance to a structured methodology
  • Too many meetings
  • High cost to implement
  • So many issues that a starting point is not known
What if we figured out a way to take both a blue ocean approach and a six sigma approach in order to improve our chances of successful implementation and buy-in from the masses?

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