Friday, December 25, 2009

Getting it Right the First Time

Getting it right the first time can be easier said than done.  It takes a lot of commitment and pre-planning to foresee all the critical pitfalls you may encounter in your pursuit of perfection.  Luckily we all have something to fall back on, continuous improvement.  By the true meaning of the term continuous improvement, it implies that we may not necessarily catch all the possible failure modes but we sure will continue to make things better.  Never the less, systems should be in place to ensure our due diligence in getting it right the first time and handing off a sound resolution or product to our customers.  I have the experience to review your current business practices, policies, and procedures in order to make them better and improve your customer satisfaction rating. Let's have a discussion.  Happy Christmas and New Year!

Monday, December 14, 2009


In the realm of business excellence and in this day of unemployment and dismay I have noticed an escalating trend.  People don't take the time to follow-up.  It's a small courtesy and a simple gesture of respect to show that you're acknowledging a discussion that you had with someone.  Following up is the responsibility of both parties and both should agree on a date and time at which the follow-up discussion will take place.  Get in the habit of following up no matter if you are committing yourself to do something or agreeing with someone else to take some action.  In time you will see that following-up promotes progress and that progress promotes positive thinking - keeping you out of the rut.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Seven Forms of Waste Series - Transport : part 7 of 7

Well here is the last form of waste - Transport. The effort it takes to transport something from one place to another can have a serious impact on your efficiency. If your in the kitchen and have to run three rooms away for the fire extinguisher then when you get back you may not be able to put out the fire. I can help implement systems where transport is eliminated or minimized for your office, business, or process.
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Friday, December 4, 2009

The Seven Forms of waste: Defects - Part 6 of 7

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it.", but what if it breaks when you need it most?  Can it be repaired? How long will you have to wait it take to get fixed? Do you have a spare part in inventory? Is this occurrence stopping you from getting something done?  Well my friends all these are things one must consider in the course of ensuring that a process, whatever it is, runs smoothly.  Defects can close your business, tarnish your reputation, and hinder your pursuit of business excellence.  Defects create stress in your life.  Defects create dis-satisfied customers.  There are tools that I can use to minimize risk.  My experience in design and process engineering will help me to help you mitigate risks in your operation.  Defects need to be considered early on in the product development process.  I can help implement monitoring systems such as product trend analysis and statistical process control.  Get your arm around defects and address them before they put a kink in your flow.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Fourth Form of Waste - Extra Processing

It is time to address the fourth form of waste - Extra processing.  Additional steps to get something right before you present it or get it shipped to your customer eats away at your efficiency.  The culture of getting it right the first time is essential to the success of your business.  Nobody likes recalls and everyone cares if it happens to them.  The severity of a recall increases as we deal with products that affect the critical functions of our lives.  I can help to build a system of processes and procedures that instill the importance of maximum first pass yield.  I can investigate your process and procedures to build up lacking efficiencies.