Friday, December 4, 2009

The Seven Forms of waste: Defects - Part 6 of 7

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it.", but what if it breaks when you need it most?  Can it be repaired? How long will you have to wait it take to get fixed? Do you have a spare part in inventory? Is this occurrence stopping you from getting something done?  Well my friends all these are things one must consider in the course of ensuring that a process, whatever it is, runs smoothly.  Defects can close your business, tarnish your reputation, and hinder your pursuit of business excellence.  Defects create stress in your life.  Defects create dis-satisfied customers.  There are tools that I can use to minimize risk.  My experience in design and process engineering will help me to help you mitigate risks in your operation.  Defects need to be considered early on in the product development process.  I can help implement monitoring systems such as product trend analysis and statistical process control.  Get your arm around defects and address them before they put a kink in your flow.

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